
10 feb 20223 minuten

Wear & tear on frames: what to do?

We only work with glasses made of high-quality acetate, stainless steel or titanium. These materials are qualitative, durable or lightweight. They can indeed show the effect of the daily use of glasses. How can you prevent or recognize this?

Wear & tear with Acetate Frames.

Acetate can become somewhat dull or show a whitish haze over time. A cause for this can be found in contact with the skin. The Ph value, but also perspiration and sebum have an influence on the shine/condition of acetate.

Make them look new again.

Through a linseed oil bath and polishing, we can often make your glasses look new again. We like to take the time for this so you might have to leave your glasses with us for 1 to 2 days. Feel free to contact us for more information about this service. We can make an appointment together so that you do not have to miss your glasses for too long.

Stainless steel frames

The name stainless steel suggests that this material does not rust. A more realistic description is rather 'stainless steel' because stainless steel can also show rust. Here too, the pH value of the skin (acidity), sebum and dirt/dust that adheres to the glasses, but also rain, sea air or other external factors can affect your glasses. In short, dirt, salt, acid and water (chlorides) can be bad for your glasses.

Now you're probably thinking: but can't I cycle in the rain with my glasses? Or wear to the beach in the summer? Of course, you can. But glasses need some small maintenance.

  • Do you have oily skin or sweat often on your face (athletes): rinse your glasses daily under lukewarm water and dry them with a microfibre cloth.

  • Do you spend a lot of time by the coast? Even then, your glasses benefit from rinsing them regularly with lukewarm water to remove salt, sand and dust.

  • Been in the rain with your glasses? If possible, rinse again with lukewarm water or dry it as soon as possible. This way, the acids and chlorides in rainwater do not get a hold of your glasses.

You can always contact us for maintenance tips or possible solutions to make your glasses look new again.

Your glasses are made up of different layers.

You cannot see these layers with the naked eye. However, they have various functions: scratch-resistant layer, UV filter, anti-static layer, etc.

Differences in temperature or aggressive cleaning products can cause your glasses to no longer appear clear, but rather have a crackle effect. This is literally the visible result of the cracked layers that make up your glasses.

  • Many home-garden-kitchen products contain acids that are much too aggressive to clean your glasses. That is why you receive a cleaning product from us with every purchase of glasses. You can have this bottle refilled with us at any time.

  • Rapid temperature changes can cause the different layers of your glasses to 'shock', causing the coating of your glasses to peel off. Think of rinsing under hot or cold water. But also accidentally leave your sunglasses on your dashboard of the car while the sun is shining thereā€¦

Are your acetate sunglasses loosening up?

High-quality acetate is not plastic. The origin of acetate can be found in cotton and wood fibres. They are made into acetate through a chemical process with acetone.

A property of acetate is that it is subject to temperature differences. So you will notice that after a warm summer, your sunglasses made of acetate have become a bit looser on your nose.

Feel free to visit one of our stores to have your glasses adjusted.
